Canvey Big Local
Canvey Big Local
Canvey Big Local Partnership

The Canvey Big Local Partnership is a group of people who guide the overall direction of the Big Local in the area. The Majority (at least 51%) of partnership members must be people who live within the Big Local area. The Partnership is responsible for agreeing a shared vision, creating the Big Local plan, overseeing its delivery, collecting evidence to show how the plan is progressing, and reviewing the plan and partnership to make sure they are working in the best way possible.

By 2026 Canvey Island Big Local wants to achieve…

1. A new local hub for the whole community

A facility (or a number of facilities) that enable all ages and abilities to meet together informally, to enjoy gardening and other activities, to play and to appreciate local history, in a way which is sustainable in the long term and enables community ownership of the facilities.

2. Residents with high aspirations and real opportunities to make those aspirations a reality

Our young people will be involved in society and will be valued.  They will have obtained the skills and confidence to enable them to follow their dreams and ambitions in life and to be happy well rounded individuals.

3. A network of support and friendship for all residents

People of all ages will feel part of the community and have access to the support they need.  Relationships will be nurtured to improve health and wellbeing and ensure that individuals feel valued and do not feel lonely or isolated.


If you are a resident living in the Canvey Big Local area and wish to help make this happen please contact Alex at Yellow Door: