Energy drinks

Energy drinks

Energy drinks 1000 662 samuel_admin

What are energy drinks?

A soft drink containing a high percentage of sugar, caffeine, or another stimulant, typically consumed during or after sporting activity or as a way of overcoming tiredness. There are many different brands and varieties

The drinks contain high amounts of additives, such as caffeine, taurine, vitamins and sugars. In fact, they have a significantly higher amount of caffeine than a regular cup of coffee, considerably stimulating the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Many people aren’t aware of the sheer number of additives inside these drinks, with doctors reporting that they have had patients come in who had drunk as many as three or four energy drinks within an hour – equivalent to almost fifteen cups of coffee.

Children between the ages of 12 and 18 should not consume more than 100 mg (a cup of coffee, a couple of cups of tea or about two sodas) per day. Additionally, the Academy recommends that kids steer clear of energy drinks altogether.


What are the effects of energy drinks?

Excessive energy drink consumption can have some severe medical and behavioural consequences; it’s proving to become a serious public health concern. Below is a list of some of the effects.

  • Headache and migraines – too many energy drinks can lead to severe headaches caused by getting caffeine withdrawal.
  • Increased anxiety – in fact, one of the most convincing reasons to stop drinking energy drinks is that they can cause increased anxiety and stress. Some energy drinks are actually found to contain more caffeine than it is advertised on their labels. Too much caffeine has been known to cause jitters and the chronic stress, and a racing heart from massive amounts of caffeine is not all that comforting either.
  • Insomnia – energy drinks can keep people awake but having too many can lead to missing sleep altogether.
  • Addiction- we can become addicted to caffeine and energy drinks. This can lead to low functioning if you cannot get caffeine or an energy drink and can even cause financial problems as you could start buying lots of them.
  • Mood changes – if you regularly consume energy drinks, you may want to think carefully about your beverage choice. Studies have shown that those who frequently drink the stimulant caffeine have been known to have reduced serotonin levels. This substance is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter. A depletion of this hormone has been linked to low mood, anxiety and depression.

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